How Indians celebrate Holi

While there are a lot of things that have to do with this Indian festival, one of the biggest is its immense popularity in many parts of the world. Holi celebrations are celebrated in India in many different ways. Holi is also one of the biggest days in the life of every Indian girl.

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In India, this day is celebrated by girls as a special day to enjoy their physical and emotional beauty. Holi is celebrated by both genders and it has a huge significance to Indian culture. Girls, who are celebrating Holi, usually wear colorful bright colors or, in some places, bright clothes that reflect their state of mind.
These days, lots of people wear short dresses while the girls who are going to celebrate this holiday wear colorful clothes that can match the mood and theme of the day. It is believed that this Indian festival is connected with the idea of purity and is a day for celebrating the innocence of the girl child.
In India, the weather is very important. Because of the kind of nature of weather in India, the two days when the rainy season begins and the dry season starts are celebrated as Holi. The festival begins at the rainy season and ends at the dry season.
During these two days, the color of the weather is totally different in India. Since the Indian culture considers these two seasons as the last ones of the year, there is no second thought about celebrating Holi during these two periods.
People generally choose to celebrate Holi in the rainy season. This way, there will be less crowded during the festival. This is also why this Indian holiday is celebrated during two very different times of the year in India.
In the north part of India, where there is a lot of snow and rain, Holi is a very important holiday for the locals and visitors. The festival in the North is so big that if you are looking for a good place to celebrate Holi, it would be the North-Eastern part of India.
Holi is an occasion when there is a lot of heavy rain. The rainfall of the days leading up to the festival will also be pretty heavy. The people in the North Eastern part of India choose to have Holi celebration during those two days.
Holi is celebrated in Southern India also. The season of summer in India is also full of rains and rainy weather. During these rainy weathers, South Indian celebrates Holi celebration.
In these rainy weathers, the people of South India prefer to celebrate Holi during the spring season. There is a strong smell of grass when you are in India.
In these rainy seasons, there is more chance of seeing the beautiful beauty of nature in India. So, if you are going to visit India, make sure that you celebrate Holi during the rainy season. You would not regret it.


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